The Kingdom of Light is your motivation.

A ballad for hopeful seekers

Let me pose an inquiry: 

how would you know 

if you lived in a shadow?

Imagine emerald-bright plains, 

Darkness would smother

the open pastures, 

all you would know is dark. 

Shade would chill your bones,

and tender soul, 

all you would know is cold. 

The daylight would burn dull, 

all you would know is a sun with no might. 

In the shadow, 

you know nothing. 

The sun spins 

‘round the Earth,

a stupid rounding clock—

tick tock, tick tock. 

Crunch on a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, 

munch on a granola bar

while checking your Twitter feed 

and thinking about something you dream’d,

flooring the gas, make some coffee with heavy cream 

at work. When it’s all done

night’s still brighter than day. 

You bring all your intellect,

there’s this one question: 

how would you know 

if you lived in a shadow?

Another vapid sun cycle begins. 

You’re done. 

There’s nothing to do but run 

from meaningless reality. 

Ride your bicycle in a dreary 

park thinking the darkness has won. 

A boy in ordinary jeans, a regular T-shirt,

and dirty shoes catches your eye. 

He’s feeding a homeless man. 

Learn, you’re in Plato’s Cave. 

The shadow is obvious. 

You breathe it, they don’t. 

They exhale love, and you crave. 

The question returns: 

how would you know 

if you lived in a shadow?

See a light,

unmistakable and bright. 

It towers on a hill beckoning 

all to it, and there you escape 

the Kingdom of Darkness 

enter the Kingdom of Light. 

The King will give you a torch to fight. 

The blight will surrender, 

the Powers of Darkness shriek in fright, 

and the people in the shadows of the cave

will see what they crave.

Live in the Shadow of the Almighty,

my friend, it’s the light.

Now how would you know

If you lived in a shadow?

A meaningful homily

In the moment, futures feel

heavy, uncertain, and dazed.

Desires hold you and kill

in darkness’s binding maze.

In the moment, what should you do?

Value and meaning escape meaningless

life. You cannot construe

thought nor deed to avoid regress.

In the moment, hearts fail

as hopes die in striving strong

for your plans. Inhale

divine love to truly belong.

In a moment, fear will feel

featherweight, as if loving

God came to feel

your real pain and love.

In a moment, light will arrive

awe strike and purposeful

work come. You will live

improving God-given love and never dull.

Light breaks through

One word stands stark

One word absolves dark

One word is an ark

One word builds good men

One word speaks good will

One word for good will prevail

One word no men can ever block

One word will make evil balk

One word engraves every blessing

One word empowers meek

One word heals weak

One word strengthens me


This is the Kingdom of Light.

Everything else begins here. Love. Truth. Freedom. Real motivation dwells here, and this motive inspires you to really live. Previously, I have sought these things outside of the Kingdom and tried to make my own Kingdom for them. It didn’t work.

The real Kingdom of Light is a place where people love other people because God loves us all. It’s a space where no evil penetrates its ethereal walls. It’s impossible to get in and impossible to get out, yet anyone can come or go freely. It’s our place where God says humanity will accept its true natural order instead of taking the counterfeit Earth we live on now.

Be apart of this Kingdom through running to the King. We need no “eternal progression” here. You cannot work your way in. Simply accept the King’s invitation.

Welcome to the Kingdom of Light, and bring a friend.

‘THE KINGDOM Of LIGHT’ T-Shirts available here. 50% of all profits will be donated to ShowerUp, a 501c(3) non-profit organization.

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