Poetry, prose, and passages about the Kingdom of Light where God is.
Hello, my name is Myron.
I rehearse my late teen years in metaphoric fiction.
I’m not your guru, and I’m not Jesus.
My advice for advice-givers is not to be a guru nor Jesus.
I’m sorry. I made a big mistake.
This blog is (was) for you to learn better people skills. I changed direction.
A note about existential crises.
My thoughts on moving forward despite uncertainty.
Find Your Moment of Clarity
Unfathomably good. A simple truth. Surprisingly practical. A moment of clarity is a point in time when you know exactly what you want to do.
Three Principles of People Pleasing
People pleasing gets people to like you at any cost. If you want to become a people pleaser, these three principles will help you do it.
Feed the Lonely (Helping Lonely Friends)
Loneliness, social isolation, and video games make for bad friends. This is a human story about learning to feed the lonely.
Improve Your People Skills Without People (Three Tips)
Social isolation is challenging, especially when you want to improve your people skills. Here’s how you can do that even in social isolation.
Take a Break From Practice
When you don’t take a break from practice, your personal growth will stagnate because constant practice leaves no time for reflection.